Transforming Travel is our overarching initiative promoting changes in the way we travel in the area. We want to give people greener, healthier and better-connected travel choices, reduce traffic congestion and make walking, cycling and using public transport more attractive, particularly for shorter journeys.
Our region suffers from crippling traffic congestion – Bournemouth is the tenth most congested place in the UK, and 93rd most congested in the world. Our area’s unique geography and lack of joined up travel infrastructure has led to over-reliance on cars, slower journey times and poor air quality in some places.
The conurbation’s ambitious economic growth plans mean new sustainable infrastructure is vital to help connect people and places in a way that reduces road congestion and also protects the planet.
Transforming Travel aims to revolutionise how we all get about by providing safe, environmentally friendly travel alternatives to the car.
In addition, with its emphasis on sustainability, tackling air quality and the new focus on walking and cycling through the government’s Gear Change initiative, Transforming Travel supports BCP Council’s climate emergency ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030.