Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
What is the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)?
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are an initiative from Central Government asking local authorities to put together a long-term strategic approach for the walking and cycling infrastructure which is required across an area. LCWIPs need to be in place to attract central government transport funding and the BCP Council LCWIP will be a key part of our Transforming Travel programme.
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BCP Council’s LCWIP was passed by Full Council in May and is now available for the public to download:
Public engagement and consultation
The initial consultations on BCP Council's LCWIP concluded in early 2021. The feedback from this engagement was then collated and used in the drafting of BCP Council's full LCWIP for public consultation.
Following the publishing, BCP Council’s LCWIP went out to formal consultation. This phase gave local residents, businesses and interest groups the chance to have their say on the proposals and to table any changes and concerns they had with the plan.
The consultation was publicised widely through media stories, e-newsletter articles and through the BCP council’s social media channels. The LCWIP was also widely circulated to local and national stakeholders who were also invited to comment. This part of the consultation process concluded in November 2021.
Following the completion of the formal consultations, all feedback gained and concerns raised, have been recorded and are currently being analysed and considered for inclusion in the final version of BCP Council's LCWIP.
The BCP Council LCWIP
The BCP Council LCWIP is an important document and is a core 15 year strategy for enabling a significant increase in the number of journeys people choose to make by cycle or on foot. It aims to help reduce the number of journeys residents and visitors choose to make by car, thus helping to reduce congestion and emissions in the conurbation and to improve our air quality and lower the impact on our environment.
The improvements will be designed to be accessible and inclusive, catering for young and old people alike, as well as helping those with mobility impairments and other disabilities.
Our completed LCWIP will include a network plan showing the strategic cycle routes, key walking routes and core zones where our investment will be targeted. It will also include a prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements for future investment and a technical report containing the analysis that informs the plan.
As well as understanding public views, we are also working with a range of key stakeholders to complete the plan. We aim to publish the final version of the BCP Council LCWIP later this year, following proper consideration and formal adoption by the Council’s Cabinet.