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Benellen Avenue to Glenferness Avenue

Work on new walking, wheeling and cycling improvements in the Glenferness Avenue area on Glenferness Avenue and around Leven Avenue, Benellen Avenue, Benellen Road, Walsford Road, Branksome Wood Road Queen’s Road, and Prince of Wales Road started in May 2024.

It forms part of a sustainable travel route between Bournemouth town centre and Ferndown. It will link into the sustainable travel improvements to the north of Glenferness Avenue between Talbot Roundabout and the railway line and to the south of Glenferness Avenue into the new walking and cycling facilities through Upper Gardens.

Work underway

  • A new toucan crossing at the junction of Glenferness Avenue and Leven Avenue and stepped cycle lanes between Leven Avenue and Rothesay Road
  • The introduction of a 20mph speed limit zone along Leven Avenue, Walsford Road, Benellen Avenue, Benellen Road, Benellen Gardens, and Leven Close
  • Raised junction at Leven Avenue/Benellen Avenue/Walsford Road to slow traffic and provide more space for pedestrians
  • Raised junction at Benellen Avenue/Benellen Road to slow traffic and discourage rat running
  • Two speed humps on Leven Avenue
  • Speed humps at Leven Avenue and Benellen Garden’s junctions with Branksome Wood Road
  • Speed humps at Benellen Road, Walsford Road and Leven Avenue’s junctions with Glenferness Avenue


Traffic management

From 20 May 2024, Leven Avenue at its junction with Glenferness Avenue will be closed to motorised traffic for up to 20 weeks. A series of temporary localised closures will also take place at the following junctions:

  • Leven Avenue, Walsford Road and Benellen Avenue
  • Benellen Road and Glenferness Avenue
  • Walsford Road and Glenferness Avenue
  • Benellen Gardens and Branksome Wood Road
  • Benellen Road and Benellen Avenue

From 8-12 July 2024 Glenferness Avenue, Bournemouth, will be closed at its junction with Leven Avenue for resurfacing and road line painting.

Diversion routes for the closures will be signposted. Access for people walking and cycling will be maintained.


Diversion route 8-12 July

Outstanding improvements

  • Widened shared walking and cycling paths on Queen’s Road
  • A new parallel crossing on Branksome Wood Road near the junction with Queen’s Road/Leven Avenue
  • A new raised parallel crossing on Queen’s Road linking to the Bournemouth Gardens cycleway on the south side of the gardens
  • A new raised zebra crossing on the north side of the gardens on Queen’s Road
  • A new raised parallel crossing on Prince of Wales Road linking to the Bournemouth Gardens cycleway on the south side of the gardens
  • Changes to the road layout at the junction of Branksome Wood Road and Queen’s Road to provide dedicated space for people walking and cycling.

Click here to view the design plan

Click here to view detailed general arrangement drawings of the plans on Glenferness Avenue: Rothesay Road/Leven Avenue

Benellen Avenue CGI image
Artist’s impression of proposals at the Leven Avenue/Benellen Avenue/Walsford Road junction (looking north/west)

Public consultation

The original public consultation on this route took place in spring 2021. View the original design here. A report summarising the results of consultation has been published here in addition to our responses to issues raised here.

The original proposals included removing vehicle access between Glenferness Avenue and Branksome Wood Road. Having listened to public feedback and reviewed the results of updated traffic and cycle count data collected in the area, BCP Council decided not to progress with the closure. The designs have been amended to keep the road open, but to increase safety and improve the area for pedestrians and cyclists by encouraging lower vehicle speeds and discouraging through traffic.

Public consultation on these new proposals was undertaken from 29 March to 6 May 2022. Nearly two thirds of respondents (63%) agreed with the proposed changes. 78% of respondents that live in the Benellen Avenue area agreed with the proposals. The Traffic Road Order for the introduction of a 20mph speed limit zone along Leven Avenue, Walsford Road, Benellen Avenue, Benellen Road, Benellen Gardens, and Leven Close was approved in February 2023.

A report summarising our responses to issues raised in the second consultation is here in addition to our responses to issues raised report here.

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